Ok, so I’ve let some time go by and now my age is showing. Yes, I cannot remember what has been going on so in order to refresh my memory I have to look through pictures since my last post. Yes, I know sad, but a sign of my time. To add insult to injury, I am now suffering from a miserable fall cold/ sinus thing. No fun at all right now for this mommy.
Elyssa is doing great as well. She is in that stage where everything is very “literal”. The other day I was getting her in the car and said “Elyssa we are off like a herd of turtles” and she said “mommy, we can’t be off like turtles, turtles don’t drive, they swim!” and then just yesterday I was telling her my nose was running so much it was going to run away to which she answered “ mommy, your funny, your nose can’t run away it does not have legs” and of course there is always the “good night Elyssa , don’t let the bed bugs bite” and she replies “Mommy, they can’t , the windows are not open!”…aww, the wisdom of a 3 year old! Her reasoning skills have just taken off! I swear she has the reasoning skills of a 12 year old. I cannot make an excuse for anything without her challenging me on it. She corrects me if I say “Dang it” and tells me I’m only allowed to say “Gummit” (this is her version of another colorful metaphor that we allow her to say when she is mad!) She is getting very excited about Christmas and there is no doubt in my mind that this year she knows exactly who Santa Claus is and that he is going to bring her toys if she is good. She has such a compassionate soul. She is always asking me if I am ok if she sees me get hurt, she says she is sorry when she has done something wrong without even being prompted. She will tell me she has made a mess and say she is sorry and helps clean it up. It amazes me how she is blossoming into a beautiful young girl. I just hope that age 13 I am still singing her praises and not trying to sell her to the highest bidder!!
Halloween was a ton of fun for us this year. Because our budget is so tight these days, we found lots and lots of free things and festivals to do. On one evening Elyssa and I went to a festival at a local church. They had 10 different bounce house and games galore for the kids to play. Everything the kids did they got candy for doing. Funny thing is Elyssa was more excited about bouncing and playing games that she almost ignored all the candy. We also went to another pumpkin patch with a friend of ours were she got to pet all kinds of arm animals and jump in the hay. The city we live in also had a community even for Halloween on the Thursday before Halloween called Boo On Ballard. It was quite an event with bounce houses, hay mazes, and candy galore of course. We spent some time there but it was very, very crowed! Trick or treating was quite an even this year. We started out at Aunt Tonia’s house for about an hour of trick or treating and then headed over to our house to hit a few of the neighbors houses. When we got back to our house, Aunt Lisa joined us for from trick or treating as well and Daddy and Keith stayed home to give out candy at our house. Elyssa did not have a long endurance for the house to house thing so we did not go very far or for very long. I think she enjoyed handing out candy at the house just as much as going house to house to get candy. She got so excited when the door bell rang!
Not much is going on here except the excitement of Thanksgiving in the air. I am going to be doing some Thanksgiving crafts with Elyssa, just not sure how creative I can get. We are spending a quiet Thanksgiving at home this year. I think Eddie has to work the day after Thanksgiving (he has not yet found out), and if he doesn’t we are going to probably run out and get in the middle of all the Black Friday madness. We used to do it all the time before Elyssa was born and we actually took her the first year she was born but since then have not. So this year should be an adventure for us all….but that is another story yet to come!