Boy oh boy, what a week and it ended in a pretty traumatic night. Elyssa had not been feeling well all week. She started getting down last Saturday but it really did not set in full force till about Monday evening. After a few days of just continual throwing up I took her into the drs who told me she had a stomach bug and sent us home with some Zofran to help settle her stomach. She told me the only time to be concerned was if she got dehydrated or if she started expelling a dark black/brown, chunky vomit because it could mean she had an obstruction. The dr’s appointment was on Wednesday and by Thursday evening she was still puking 3-4 times a day. Thursday evening she woke up at about 2am vomiting the thick chunky dark stuff and that is when I got scared. Luckily Eddie was home and we got dress and took her to the emergency room to be checked out. We spent over 9 hours in the ER. They did several tests, hooked her up to IV fluids, and just tried to make her comfortable. She was so miserable, she did not like the pulse ox on her finger, and hated the IV in her other hand. We tried to tell her the pulse ox was her special “princess finger” and the IV board they had taped to her arm to hold the IV in place was her magic sled but after about 4 hours of it, she told me “mommy, this is not special anymore, take it off!!” We were worried for a while because the abdominal x-rays came back showing her intestines were bloated and possibly did have an obstruction. They did a CT scan and fortunately there was not an obstruction but her intestines were indeed bloated but the dr felt it was all triggered by her dehydration ( she did end up being very dehydrated), and the constant vomiting and stress on her stomach. He said that it was a gastro intestinal infection that was causing all of her issues and that he had seen several kids in the ER with this problem. It is just something that is going around right now and it was our luck that Elyssa happened to get it! The amazing part to me is that the only symptom she had was the vomiting, no fever, no chills, no coughing or sneezing…
Today Elyssa is feeling much better and acting like my little princess again. I think we are finally on the road to recovery and I can say I am just overjoyed that this adventure is coming to an end…
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