So where did the week go? Ohhh yeah, we’ve been jumping and jumping and well, jumping some more. In fact Elyssa insists on jumping in the morning as soon as she gets out of bed and before breakfast. I swear the kid could probably jump 24/7! She is certainly enjoying her new trampoline from Cousin Lisa. I think Eddie and I are enjoying it as well. Now if I could figure out how to bounce off a few extra pounds, it would be totally worth it!
We had Elyssa’s friends Jack and Luke over to play on Monday and on Tuesday we had her friends Gavin and Isabelle over as well. Everyone enjoyed playing on the trampoline and on all of the outside play stuff we have. I look around my back yard and all I see are kids play structures and a swimming pool. Pretty soon the dogs will have to move out because there will be no more room for them to run in the back yard. Elyssa certainly does not want for much when it comes to playing outside, or inside for that matter. I do know she loves all of it!
Last weekend we had 2 birthday parties to go to. Elyssa’s friend Jamie had his 4th birthday party on Saturday afternoon and we went to her cousin Ethan’s birthday party that evening. She had so much fun but was certainly tired out from all the excitement.
Tomorrow I am going to attempt to take Elyssa to her first movie in a theater. She has never been and we have been a bit scared to take her because of her sensitivity issue but I’m going to see how it goes. We are going to see Cats and Dogs: The revenge of kitty galore. It is at the dollar cinema so if she hates it, I am not out a ton of money. We’ve talked about it and she watched the trailer to the movie over and over again and laughs at it every time. She says she cannot wait to see it, but time will tell. I’ll keep my fingers crossed! We tried to take her to see Toy Store 3, but when we were going to go to the theater she threw a fit and cried that she did not want to go. I figure there is no use forcing her to do something she does not want to do. Seeing a movie is certainly not a life or death situation, if she does not want to go…so be it!
Well she is standing in front of me begging to go out and jump, alas the simple pleasures to a 3 year old!
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