Ok, so all work and no play make for a very boring environment right? Well I think we have taken that to heart in the Borden house. With 2 incomes it has allowed us to make some very nice upgrades to our happy little home. The first of these was our refrigerator. We have not had a working / functioning ice maker in our fridge for about 3 + years. So our first purchase was a new Stainless Steel French door refrigerator. Is it sad that I was so excited about an appliance for our kitchen? Well once we got one stainless appliance it was the course of natural progression that we would replace the rest of the appliances! In defense all of the appliances in our home are the original from when the house was built so did see some wear and tear. We found a great reseller on Craigslist and he hooked us up with a new dishwasher, over the stove microwave and stove. The stove was delivered today and was the final piece in our partial kitchen make over. I am pleased as punch with everything and even came home from work and cooked dinner. Now that is something that has not happened much since I've started working. My oven is so “neat” and I almost need a degree in engineering to figure out all the knobs and controls. I'm going to have fun figuring it all out. Elyssa loves having ice in the door, she gets glass after glass of ice and keeps dumping it in the dogs bowls. Good thing the dogs like ice!
Eddie is actually home this week. His new job is a travel job again and he was away all last week in Washington DC. The first couple days were really, really hard on Elyssa. She cried and cried for daddy and begged him on the phone to come home. It was not easy on me either. I had to not only get her up, dressed in her uniform and to school over an hour earlier than she is used to but also then drive to work for 9 hours and then drive home to pick her up every evening. I have a new found respect for working single moms. As a stay at home mom I used to think that stay at home moms had the hardest job out there. I ate my words the first week I went back to work! Working parents have it hard as well and I have to think on a whole different level. I almost think it is harder than my life as a stay at home mom. Before Eddie's new job he would get her up ,ready in the morning and take her to school. I would pick her up bring her home, feed her and bath her for bed. We split the responsibility. At that time, I felt like I had “0” me time, and I was exhausted all the time. Now when Eddie is away all week, I do it all....! I am over exhausted and I have to wake my poor baby up at 5:15 am, to get her to school when they open. She is the first one in the building and it is still all dark. I really thought she was going to take it a lot harder , but I think she liked having the teacher all to herself for that time before the other kids showed up. That's my little Elyssa, she is real trooper. I think that from this point forward when Eddie is gone, I'm just going to try to exist and keep us afloat! I really, really miss my days as a stay at home mom sometimes, so any stay at home mom's out there- don't do it! Don't go back to work if you don't have to! Really the grass is not greener. Take it from someone who has now walked on both sides of the grass. I almost desperately want to run back to my old life some days! But I keep reminding myself that this is ultimately good for Elyssa and she does love going to school. We have her in 3 different extra curricular activities. She is taking Tae Kwon Do, Ballet and Jazz class, and a Stretch and Grow class. Yes, they cost extra but it gives her more things to do at school and I don’t have to take her to a class after school with more time I don't ever have! She gets her karate and dance while at school. The academy does have a lot of wonderful classes that she takes part in that are all part of our tuition. She has Spanish immersion class everyday and boy does this kid know her Spanish. She came home one day and started a whole conversation with me in Spanish, I nearly fell off my chair! Amazing what their little minds will absorb. She also has music class and a computer class every week. Once she is starts kindergarten she not only takes Spanish everyday she can choose another language such as French or Arabic. We are really impressed with the school so far.
Well it is almost 10pm and way past this girls bedtime. Last night we were in bed by 8:45...yes, life as a working mom with a 4 year old....
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