I sit and ask myself where did the time go? I remember the sleepless nights where I was up every 2 hours till she was 2, I remember the colic from 6 weeks to 14 weeks old when all she would do was scream from 6-10:30pm and Eddie was away traveling all the time, I remember the almost 2 months of time spent in the DOC band, I remember the almost 2 years we spent with her in feeding therapy because she would not eat… and now, she is turning 4. She can recognize all her letters, count to 20, recognizes almost all her numbers to 10, can spell her name, spells dad, mom, bible, and happy, knows her address, sings all kinds of songs, knows lots of nursery rhymes and knows all the days of the week and a bunch of things I am sure I’m forgetting. She can ride her tricycle like a pro, runs her scooter up and down the street and is starting to ride her big girl 2 wheel bike with training wheels. She is extremely observant and can give me directions to places we go on a normal basis. She can even tell people how to get to our house by telling them to “turn on Westgate to Georgetown”. She is shy at first but warms up quickly, has a innocent little smile but is quick to correct me when I call and motorcycle a bike. You can’t pull the wool over her eyes, she is quick to tell you just the way it is. I tried to get her to believe the whole idea of Santa this year and she was very insistent with me that “mommy, Santa is just a story” and the Santa at the mall was "just a man dressed up like Santa". She is very inquisitive and learned this year how echoes are created, the laws of inertia and what gravity is. She is always asking why and the definition of new words and the most recent was “dormant”. I sit in wonder all the time trying to figure out where she gets the ideas and words she comes up with. She is a skilled negotiator and will argue with the best of them. She is always coming up with new “deals” for me to agree to and is always insisting that we “shake one it” to seal the deal. She has a beautiful face that I never tire of looking at and twinkly eyes that can melt my heart. She will always be my baby and yes, she is turning 4 in five days...
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