Well Elyssa’s birthday was an utter success! We celebrated it at Bounce Town in Wylie, an establishment I will actually never visit again after that experience but her b-day party went well none the less. Everything we do in life is a learning experience and again that party was a learning experience for us. Aunt Heidi flew in for Elyssa’s birthday again. She has been here for every birthday celebration for Elyssa. Unfortunately we only get to see her once a year so it is always nice to visit. I know we all wished she lived closer to us. I’ve lived so far away from my family for so long; poor Elyssa barely knows them at all. She does recognize my parents in pictures but has not seen them in over a year. My cousin Lisa came to visit also for Elyssa birthday. She actually came the week after and overlapped with Aunt Heidi. It was quite a reunion since Lisa and Heidi had not seen each other in almost 15 years?? Funny how family dynamics work out. Cousin Lisa is actually coming to visit us again! She will be here June 15th to June 27th! She works for Raytheon and is actually coming to the Garland location to work. As a perk, she gets to stay with us and visit while she is here on business. I can’t say that I’m not extremely excited about the upcoming visit, it is so nice to reconnect!
As Elyssa turned 4, I celebrated my 40th birthday in May. Talk about a weird feeling. I am 10 times the age of my beautiful daughter. I will be 54 years old when she graduates from high school…I’ll be 58 when she graduates from college…I’ll be..wait I don’t want to go any further than that…lol, guess I just need to get her through kindergarten and let the rest of it fall into place right? When I look back on my life, it is hard for me to believe that I am 40 with a 4 year old. I guess there are worse places I could be. I now have the next 40 years to look forward to! I’ve thought about creating a “bucket list” of things I would like to accomplish but when I think about it all the things are centered on Elyssa. I have to admit that since I’ve had Elyssa my priorities and things that matter to me have changed so much.
In April over Easter weekend, Elyssa was in my friend Carla’s wedding as an adorable little flower girl. She had so much fun at the wedding. Well I’m not so sure how much she enjoyed the wedding but she really expressed herself at the reception. Our little girl danced the night away with the bride, groom and the bridesmaids! She also made some really sweet friends with some of the kids there as well. She wanted nothing to do with dancing with daddy or mommy; she only wanted to dance with everyone else. It was actually quite comical. The only way we got her off the dance floor to leave for the evening was that they shut the music down! Elyssa is quite the little partier! I can honestly say she did not get that from her mommy, I’m sure that came from daddy!!
Elyssa continues to amaze me with her abilities and words of wisdom. She recently had her first ballet dance recital. To be honest I had no idea what to expect. She was either going to get on that stage and just stand there or she was going to steal the show. To my surprise she did wonderfully and in my own personal biased opinion think she stole the show! It was definitely one of those proud mommy moments where your heart swells and you can’t stop clapping and yelling “whooo hooo!” as she finished her performance. They even awarded trophies to all the little dancers. She was so darn proud of her trophy, she put it beside her bed so she could sleep beside it. She has been attending a preschool class at one of the local city recreation centers and seems to really enjoy herself. It was actually quite humorous, her teacher kept spelling her name incorrectly. Once she spelled it with an “A” and then once with only one “s”. Well little miss smarty pants would not let it go, she kept telling her teacher that her name is spelled “E-l-y-s-s-a”. Her teacher told me each time I picked her up that she was corrected by Elyssa, she got the biggest kick out of it. We are taking a break from the class for the next 6 weeks and will pick it up again in late July.
The swimming pool is open and Elyssa is back to being a little fish again. The first couple times she got in with daddy she was very hesitant to trust her floates, but I got in with her and she finally trusted her own ability and is again floating all around the pool like a pro. Of course she loves the pool so much as soon as she wakes up in the morning she wants to go swimming! Today I told her she can when daddy comes home, to which she answered “mommy that is forever from now!” Yeah, at 4 I guess that does seem like forever doesn’t it?
Well summer is upon us and the new Dallas Zoo membership is bought and the season passes to Six Flags are being used in full force! Hopefully I can find ways to keep Elyssa happy and content this summer. Our only dilemma is she is very sensitive to the hot and is very anxious / angry when she gets too hot. I think this girl needs to get used to the idea that she lives in TX and when it’s hot, it’s really stinking hot!
Until next time….
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