I know I should be happy about this….
But I must confess I am not. Let me start at the beginning. Elyssa is 2 years 3 months old and for the last 27 months she has slept in my room in her crib beside my bed. That is where I wanted her, where I could keep an eye on her and be there in a second if she woke up in the middle of the night and needed me. I have always wanted her to know Mommy is always there and will always be there for her. We tried letting her sleep in her crib in her nursery one night after converting it into a toddler bed but that was very, very, short lived. Well, I started looking at all of the cute “toddler” beds that they have for kids and she would see them as well as I was looking at them online. She would get so excited and say “mommy, me bed?” and look at me with her beautiful blue eyes. So I set on a mission to find her the perfect bed. Although they make a really nice “castle bed” I just felt it was too big and to much. I even at one point considered a Thomas the Tank Toddler bed that was shaped like a train, but I just got to much flack from everyone including Eddie that is was not a good “little girl bed”. So finally this past weekend we found an adorable “cottage” bed made by Little Tykes. I showed it to Elyssa and she proclaimed to me that it was a “house bed”. Ahhhhhhh, to see the world through the eyes of a child. Anyway, we went on Saturday morning and picked up her new bed and to make a long story short, she loves it. She played, and played, and played in her bed and would pretend she was sleeping and look at me and say “night-night mommy”. It was so cute yet so sad to me in a sense. My little girl was telling me she wanted to sleep in her new house bed but mommy wanted her to sleep in her crib in her room. I know it is selfish but that night when I was rocking her to sleep, I was so tempted to put her in her crib beside my bed but in my heart I new the right thing to do was to allow her to spread her wings and sleep in her new big girl “house bed”. So instead of making the turn at the top of stairs to put her in my room, I went straight ahead to her room and laid my sleeping princess in her bed for the first time. I had to stand there beside her bed for a few moments and make sure she was ok and not going to roll out onto the floor. I kept hoping she would jerk and wake up and know it was not her crib and want to come to bed with mommy, but no luck. I know was a selfish way of thinking, but somedays I just don’t want her to grow up. She slept through the night that night. A part of me wanted her to wake up. The part of me that could not sleep that night, as I lay staring over at the crib knowing she was not in there. All I could hear was the sound of the baby monitor as it waited to tell me she was stirring. I heard her wake up in the morning and she was playing in her bed. About 5 minutes go by before I heard her yelling “mom, mom, Mommy”. I got out of bed to find her at the baby gate across her door all smiles, I walked to her and she said “mom, mom, house, night night” and ran to her bed and climbed back in. Although it broke my heart that night not to have her in my room, it was so sweet to see the happiness on her face as she showed me where all her Pooh Bears had slept the night before. She now asks to go night-night and loves playing in her room. I know we did the right thing…even if it was so heartbreaking for mommy!
In other areas, on Sunday Eddie was carrying her down the stairs in the morning, playing around as he was doing so, and missed 4 stairs! All I heard was the screaming and crying of my baby and Eddie screaming for me to come quickly. He thought he had “protected” her and I had hoped he was right but within 15 minutes we knew that was not the case. After calming Elyssa down, I set her down and as she tried to walk on her left foot, cried out in pain and would not, and could not stand up. I did not over react; I figured we would give her a while to get over this. Maybe it would go away in a couple house with ice on it to “make it feel better”, but 4 hours later, she would still not walk on it and would cry out in pain when trying to walk on it. We finally decided to take her to Care Now and have it looked at. I was so afraid it was broken, but after an hour visit with Care Now dr’s, it was determined it was just a really bad sprain. She could not walk on it at all yesterday and we had to “carry me mommy” all day. Today she was not walking on it for most of the day, but later this after noon, because I think she was just so tired of not being able to move or do anything, she learned to limp on one foot or do a crawl around the house on her knee’s dragging it behind her. Very pathetic looking but she made it work. I really think she will be walking on it tomorrow, she is a pretty tough girl and with a daddy like hers she has to be!
Well it is late and I better get some sleep or at least try to, I’m still having trouble sleeping without her in my room….sad, I know, but true….
But I must confess I am not. Let me start at the beginning. Elyssa is 2 years 3 months old and for the last 27 months she has slept in my room in her crib beside my bed. That is where I wanted her, where I could keep an eye on her and be there in a second if she woke up in the middle of the night and needed me. I have always wanted her to know Mommy is always there and will always be there for her. We tried letting her sleep in her crib in her nursery one night after converting it into a toddler bed but that was very, very, short lived. Well, I started looking at all of the cute “toddler” beds that they have for kids and she would see them as well as I was looking at them online. She would get so excited and say “mommy, me bed?” and look at me with her beautiful blue eyes. So I set on a mission to find her the perfect bed. Although they make a really nice “castle bed” I just felt it was too big and to much. I even at one point considered a Thomas the Tank Toddler bed that was shaped like a train, but I just got to much flack from everyone including Eddie that is was not a good “little girl bed”. So finally this past weekend we found an adorable “cottage” bed made by Little Tykes. I showed it to Elyssa and she proclaimed to me that it was a “house bed”. Ahhhhhhh, to see the world through the eyes of a child. Anyway, we went on Saturday morning and picked up her new bed and to make a long story short, she loves it. She played, and played, and played in her bed and would pretend she was sleeping and look at me and say “night-night mommy”. It was so cute yet so sad to me in a sense. My little girl was telling me she wanted to sleep in her new house bed but mommy wanted her to sleep in her crib in her room. I know it is selfish but that night when I was rocking her to sleep, I was so tempted to put her in her crib beside my bed but in my heart I new the right thing to do was to allow her to spread her wings and sleep in her new big girl “house bed”. So instead of making the turn at the top of stairs to put her in my room, I went straight ahead to her room and laid my sleeping princess in her bed for the first time. I had to stand there beside her bed for a few moments and make sure she was ok and not going to roll out onto the floor. I kept hoping she would jerk and wake up and know it was not her crib and want to come to bed with mommy, but no luck. I know was a selfish way of thinking, but somedays I just don’t want her to grow up. She slept through the night that night. A part of me wanted her to wake up. The part of me that could not sleep that night, as I lay staring over at the crib knowing she was not in there. All I could hear was the sound of the baby monitor as it waited to tell me she was stirring. I heard her wake up in the morning and she was playing in her bed. About 5 minutes go by before I heard her yelling “mom, mom, Mommy”. I got out of bed to find her at the baby gate across her door all smiles, I walked to her and she said “mom, mom, house, night night” and ran to her bed and climbed back in. Although it broke my heart that night not to have her in my room, it was so sweet to see the happiness on her face as she showed me where all her Pooh Bears had slept the night before. She now asks to go night-night and loves playing in her room. I know we did the right thing…even if it was so heartbreaking for mommy!
In other areas, on Sunday Eddie was carrying her down the stairs in the morning, playing around as he was doing so, and missed 4 stairs! All I heard was the screaming and crying of my baby and Eddie screaming for me to come quickly. He thought he had “protected” her and I had hoped he was right but within 15 minutes we knew that was not the case. After calming Elyssa down, I set her down and as she tried to walk on her left foot, cried out in pain and would not, and could not stand up. I did not over react; I figured we would give her a while to get over this. Maybe it would go away in a couple house with ice on it to “make it feel better”, but 4 hours later, she would still not walk on it and would cry out in pain when trying to walk on it. We finally decided to take her to Care Now and have it looked at. I was so afraid it was broken, but after an hour visit with Care Now dr’s, it was determined it was just a really bad sprain. She could not walk on it at all yesterday and we had to “carry me mommy” all day. Today she was not walking on it for most of the day, but later this after noon, because I think she was just so tired of not being able to move or do anything, she learned to limp on one foot or do a crawl around the house on her knee’s dragging it behind her. Very pathetic looking but she made it work. I really think she will be walking on it tomorrow, she is a pretty tough girl and with a daddy like hers she has to be!
Well it is late and I better get some sleep or at least try to, I’m still having trouble sleeping without her in my room….sad, I know, but true….