Monday, June 15, 2009

Sept 4, 2007

Wow , what a day!! Elyssa finally for the first time rolled over from her belly to her back!! Yup, her first big mile stone, it was amazing and just so darn cute. She was so darn proud of herself, just looked at me and giggled. I rolled her back over on her belly and in a matter of seconds, "plop" she was back on her back. My little girl is just growing up so fast.
We got home on Saturday from Elyssa second plane trip. We went last week to Springfield, IL with Daddy on a business trip and had a wonderful time. Elyssa was sick the first couple days she had a stomach flu so lets just say everything I owned was pretty much covered in puke and yes, she had diarrehea, lime green to be exact. Sorry about all the detail, but after being at Red Lobster eating dinner and having her puke down the front of my shirt, well nothing affects me anymore. Anyway we spent a lot of time touring the area, as all of you know, Springfield Il is the home of our famous 16th president "Abe Lincoln"! We saw so many historical things and even toured Abe's House. One afternoon Elyssa and I went to the zoo while Daddy was at work. We also found Kmart, (we dont have Kmart in TX where we live) and they were having an incredible clearance sell. Half off the already clearanced price, soooo needless to say Eddie and I bought another piece of luggage to bring home all the extra stuff we, hey a good sale is a good sale right? And Eddie wanted a new rolling duffle bag for traveling anyway so it worked out. In a few weeks we are going to San Antonio, TX for a week with Eddie for another business trip. With him traveling every week this is a way that we can be together while he is away at work, and Elyssa is going to become quite the seasoned traveler. She did ok on the flight home but boy the flight there she was fussy, we were so embarrassed, she cried and fussed most of the way. But we figure she is going to have to get used to being the worldly traveler as long as Daddy has this job.
Eddie is in Chicago this week and we are home. I get to finish my root canal this week, in fact tomorrow. Little Elyssa is going to stay with Aunt Tammy tomorrow afternoon... wish me luck!

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