Monday, June 15, 2009

July 20, 2007

Wow, it is amazing that 4 months ago, I was laying in a hospital bed, shaking uncontrollably after giving birth to this beautiful little girl. It is 10:14pm right now and she was born at, amazing isn't it?
Well you know we could not have let her 4 month birthday go without getting her a PRESENT RIGHT? Of course, soooo we got her a new Fisher Price Deluxe model Jumperoo!!! We do not have any door frames to put up a Johnny Jumper sooo the Fisher Price Jumperoo is a free standing Jumper!!! She of course LOVES it and it has a light up play station that is on the front of it and while she is jumping it plays music and lights up.
Now with this new addition to our array of baby gear, we have officially ran out of room in our family room for everything. Eddie has moved the coffee table to the other end of the room, it is no longer centered correctly, the chair and love seat have been moved closer to the back door, everything is off center and we still can't make it all fit and look decent so we have made a discovery. We have to eliminate the bar/pool table room. Yes, the room was great for parties, the pool table and dart board used to be great entertainment but now I look at the room and the space and I see "PLAY ROOM"...funny how "POOL TABLE/BAR ROOM" change places when you have a baby... amazing how your priorities just up and change post baby. So I am officially looking for a new home for the pool table. I almost can't wait to start working on the new family room / kids room should make for a nice diversion for me. I'm surprised that Eddie is taking it so well, he totally understands and told me to do whatever I needed to do with the house..what a guy!
Well it is late and Elyssa nd Eddie are crashed out together on the couch...guess I better go get the both of them to bed, but I think I'll snap a picture or two.. these kind of pictures only come once in a lifetime...

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