Tuesday, June 16, 2009

April 16, 2008

There is always something now isn’t there? Last Tuesday I had to take Elyssa to Medical City Dallas to have a procedure done and let me say it was not fun. About 4 months ago, little princess had a UTI. Her doctor said that it is very uncommon for kids under 3 to get UTI’s and is sometimes a sign of Kidney Reflux. Of course I thought there was no possible way this was possible for Elyssa right? Well they wanted to do a Renal Ultrasound and a VCUG. After talking to the scheduling department at the hospital I was told that the VCUG would not be done under sedation because she was under a year old. After investigating the procedure myself there was NOWAY I was going to allow her to have the procedure done. So, at that time we did have the ultrasound done and decided to wait till she was a year old for the VCUG. The ultrasound did come back showing some swelling and fullness in the kidneys which a sign of reflux. So last Tuesday we had the VCUG done and I must say it was quite an ordeal. I had no idea they would handle it as an out patient procedure. We registered that morning and were sent up to the Pediatric Day Surgery dept. Eddie was away on business so it was just Elyssa and I. I had no idea what I was walking into. After the nurses got her vitals and such they let us go to the “play room” to wait. There were lots of toys and such that kept Elyssa occupied until they called us down for her procedure. When they came to get us, they took us down to another waiting area (no toys..It was hard to keep her attention) where we waited for the doctor to arrive. They took us down to the room where the procedure would be performed and had me get her into her hospital gown. I’m not sure how many of you have had to put a one year old in a hospital gown, but let me tell you it is no fun and not easy with only one person! I had to go and get the nurses to help me maneuver it. Elyssa was very impatient by this point. She had not eaten since the day before and had some juice that morning but was not allowed to eat after 3:30am or drink after 6am. Her procedure was scheduled for 9:45 but the anesthesiologist was 25 minutes late. They allowed me to stay with her till she was under. I held her hand and kissed her cheek and told her how much I loved her as I watched her body become completely lifeless. It really is the most helpless feeling leaving your baby like that. In the hands of complete strangers , knowing they were going to poke and prod her! The procedure only took about 25 minutes, but it was the longest time in the world to me waiting alone in that cold waiting room!! The Anesthesiologist brought her to me after it was over and she was just crying , and crying , throwing herself all over the place. Not something I am going to easily forget! They took us back to the Day Surgery recovery unit and I rocked her and held her close and tried to get her to drink some juice. We had to stay till she drank some and ate a cracker without throwing up. It took me about an hour to get her calmed down and some liquids in her. I had my camera so I took some pictures of her and will post the other pics in my albums. We got the results on Wednesday afternoon. Elyssa was diagnosed with Stage 2 Renal/Kidney Reflux. Our pediatrician referred us to a Pediatric urologist to follow up with and she has an appointment on April 29th. From what I am reading Stage 2 usually fixes itself by the time she is 6-7 years old. The treatment appears to be a low dose antibiotic everyday for the next 6-7 years and follow up VCUG’s every 6 months or so…oh what fun! We just need to pray it does not progress to Stage 4-5 because this would require surgery. Our pediatrician already started her on an antibiotic until we see the Urologist and he decides what course of action he is going to take.
Wish us luck!

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