Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Jan 25, 2008

Yes, she is growing up and getting more and more independent. I am talking of course of Little Miss DQ. No, not DQ as in short for Dairy Queen, but Little Miss DRAMA QUEEN. Yes, my little girl at 10 months old knows how to work it and work it well. She has trained her mommy well, funny huh? Wait, daddy falls for it every time also, but when something is as cute as she is well it sure is easy right? Why she has been given the new nick name Little Miss DQ you ask? Let me tell you…. As we all know Elyssa is an only child, she competes only with the dogs for my attention and let me tell you there isn’t a lot of competition there. She always wins hands down, no questions asked. Well Little Miss DQ now has this “thing” she does to get attention. Although she plays very nicely alone for long periods of time when she is done with it, she is done with it. She will sit in the middle of the floor wherever she is and just start crying, and not just crying, I mean crying “BIG” crocodile tears, sobbing just uncontrollably to get your attention. You would think that someone had just stole her Pooh bear or broke her heart but, yes, I said but, as soon as you go to her side, pick her up, she immediately starts to giggle and those big crocodile tears instantly dry up and she is all smiles and crinkling up her little nose and snorting. In a matter of nanoseconds her whole demeanor changes. Yeah, you sit there holding her with SUCKER stamped across your forehead because once again you have been taken by this 10 month old 2 and a half foot tall being. I ask you how can something so small pull on your heartstrings so hard? I know I ask myself over and over again just how can I love something as much as I love her? I honestly think I love her more everyday, but how is that possible…God only knows. She is changing so much, she is getting more and more independent and although I accomplish all of her accomplishments, a piece of me is very sad. Sad that my little girl needs me just a little less each and every day. Now, she does not want me to hold her while she takes her bottle, she prefers to be sitting or lying on the floor by herself. I think she is going to be walking soon. She is pulling her self to a standing position from sitting in her chair and walks all the way around the ottoman and all her toys. Of course she is holding onto things while she is doing but I can see the day coming when she lets go. When you try to hold her she does not want to sit down she wants to be standing all the time. I have been looking at walking shoes for her, I love the Stride Rites and the Robeez shoes, they are just sooo cute. Looks like I need to do some more shopping. Speaking of shopping, I already bought her 2 of her Valentines Day gifts and gave them to her already. Yes, I know, it is not till next month but she would not know right? I still want to get her a big stuffed dog that we found at Wal-Mart that she loved. I will wait to give that to her. But the toys I got her were just tooo cute. It was a Leap Frog Move and Groove activity table and something called a Dino Roars, that has 5 balls you put in the holes and they come out different parts while of course making noise and lighting up and such. I just can’t help myself, I buy her everything I think is cute and think she will like..lol.

As for me, things are pretty status quo. I have adjusted to being a stay at home mom and well, can’t imagine dropping my little girl off at daycare right now. Maybe after she is a year old, I don’t know we will see. I got involved in a couple of MOM groups that do lots of fun things during the week. We are having a blast with that, in fact we have started Roller Skating. We go every Thursday to Stroller Skating, where I push her stroller around the rink while I skate. Elyssa loves it and the faster I skate the more she laughs and giggles. In fact last week she was singing while we were skating. But geez, talk about a work out! I actually worked up a sweat. It is nice to have some interaction with adults and for Elyssa to have someone to play with that is close to her age. Eddie is still traveling a lot but it is not as bad as it sounds. He has had a lot of off time in Dec and Jan because of the holiday. Of course I am sure it is going to come to an end soon, but it has been nice getting to spend some time with him. I know Elyssa has loved the daddy time. Her little eyes just light up when she sees him, it is just so cute. She certainly is the apple of her daddy’s eye.

Oh on a happy note. MY COUSIN LISA IS COMING TO VISIT US FEB 8-11TH!!!! If you can’t tell, I am a bit excited about it. I cannot wait for her to get here. I have been busy cleaning and dusting and stuff getting things ready but of course the more I clean the messier it seems to get in my house. Why does it always seem like that? O’well who cares, as long as she gets here safely and gets to meet Elyssa. It will be the first time she gets to see

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