Monday, June 15, 2009

July 23, 2007

Well Elyssa has started to talk… ok, so not “talk” in the sense that you and I do, but talk in her own adorable little babble that makes me giggle every morning when she wakes up and gets my attention with that cute little smile and a firm “awwhhh ghee”… I have decided that this means she is hungry and telling me “mom, it’s time for that bottle thing; you know the one with that delicious liquid in it that makes my tummy full”. Yes, in my own demented way (if that is how you want to refer to it), I have figured out her silly little language. She has also learned how to make a new sound it is “BRRRRRRR” where she uses her tongue and blows bubbles at the same time… yup, probably one of the proudest moments in her life..looking at me with her big blue eyes and as she giggles she lets out a “BRRRRRRR”… It is hard for me sometimes to realize she is only 4 months and has changed so much in such a short time.
We went for her 4 month appointment today.. and yes, more baby shots. I know I have posted about this before but I have to say it again, it is simply the most barbaric experience I think I will ever have to indoor! She cried so hard, and screamed so loud I thought I was going to die….those screams pierced through my skin, it sounded like murderous blood piercing screams that I don’t think I will ever, ever forget… I thought it would get easier the second time!! NOPE< not a chance in hell, I think it was worse this time than last time. She is so alert and knows what is going on now, it is just simply so sad. I know she has to go through it but my goodness, this first year of shots is going to kill MOM!
Last week I know I enjoyed spending the week with Eddie, but I know for sure that Elyssa enjoyed her time with Daddy. His trip was cancelled at the last minute and he was home all week with us. It was wonderful to have him working from home and to be able to spend evenings with him. I know Elyssa really got used to seeing him; she would sit with him and just smile and giggle. Although it was funny one afternoon I was in the kitchen and she started crying. Eddie in all his manliness said “Don’t worry honey, I’ll get her for you” Well, he went and picked her up and thought that would solve her problems, and well it didn’t. She cried even more and just would not stop. He looked at me with the most comical distressed look on his face with her screaming in his arms and asked in a panicked voice “What do I do with her??? How do I make it stop???” Well I proceeded to explain to him that there is no miracle cure to calming her down and that sometimes she just wants to cry. Sometimes all you can do is just sit back hold her and listen. It really was funny though watching him… I had to giggle…. Well this week Eddie is away in Little Rock, AR but I know to Elyssa and I he is here in spirit! I do find it amazing that he is not here for her dr’s appointment again…lol.. His luck that is for sure!
Sunday Elyssa got to go to Chuckie Cheese for the first time. We went to my nieces 4th b-day party. I don’t think she really knew what was going on, but she liked looking at all the lights. Of course she got lots of love from her two Aunts while she was there! It will not be to long before we will be planning her 1st b-day party…gosh can you imagine??? Ok, I’m going to stop talking like that, I don’t want it to go that fast!!
Well I have lots more to write but little princess is starting to wake. She is having a rough evening; she is not feeling very well after all of her shots today. She is very, very fussy and all she wants is to be held. Now we all know Mom is happy to sit here and hold her, so that is what we will do…

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