Monday, June 15, 2009

May 7, 2007

Well we had to take our first trip to Childrens Hospital with little Elyssa. Of course it is always a scarey situation but we were lucky that it was not as bad as it could have been. She had been fighting a cold and was very fussy / crying an awful lot for the last 2 weeks and I finally took her to the dr's because I was at a loss of what to do. She was still running a low grade fever and the pediatrician was worried that she may need to be on antibiotics so she sent us to Childrens to have blood work and a full work up done. She wanted to have blood work, urine culture and if those came back bad a spinal tap! I was in tears leaving the dr's office, I could not beleive they were going to do that to my little girl!! I went home and called Eddie he was on his way home from the office so he met me at the house and we drove all the way to down town Dallas to Childrens Medical Center. After a short wait we were wisked back to a room and they examined our little girl. In the end it was decided that she did not need all of the test and she was given a prescription for Zantac. Yup, my little girl takes after her daddy and has some acid reflux... geez, couldn't she have gotten something else from him??? The whole experience was all in all a good experience the dr's and nurses at Childrens are wonderful and if anything ever goes wrong again I will take her back there. We got home after 9pm and our little angel is sitting in her bouce seat watching her little bear mobile go round and round.. I am just so happy that she is ok, and did not have to be subjected to all of the test and such. I'm not sure "mom" could have handled it.
On a positive note, our little girl is up to 7lbs 9 oz!!! She is just growing like a bad weed !! Of course we are thrilled to death about it, we are very concerned about her gaining weight, she is now drinking 3 oz bottles at every feeding and for her that is really good.
Life is going to continue to be a wild ride with her, in fact Eddie and I were talking on the way home from the hospital and we both agreed that this is probably the first of many experiences like this that we will have to endure. I just hope they all go as smoothly as this one did!

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