Tuesday, June 16, 2009

April 2, 2008

Well Elyssa had her one year check up a couple weeks ago. She got 4 shots (just barbaric I tell you, nothing prepares you for this!) and she officially weighs 18lbs 15oz., and is 28 and a half inches long. She has a small head, I can’t remember the exact measurement but the dr did say it was small, but nothing to worry about. On the preemie scale she is in the 75th percentile for both height and weight, but that is the preemie scale not the “normal” scale. They will not start putting her on the regular scale until she is 2 years old. No biggie, as long as she is healthy and growing well. She is a horrible eater though. It is so discouraging. She just will not eat. She has transitioned to regular whole milk very well. We are giving her Organic whole milk, it costs a lot more but at least we know she is not getting any of the “bad” stuff in her milk. We are not narcotic about it, if we are out and all don’t have access to Organic milk we give her whatever is available, but when we are home we are going to use the “good stuff”. Daddy got to go to her one year appointment with us, so mom made him hold her while she got her shots. It is no fair that mommy is always the bad guy; daddy should have to get in on this! As for her eating, she will only eat Macaroni and cheese and green beans when she does eat. Amazing, I think the kid cannot survive on mac and cheese alone!! She will eat pizza when we have it and of course all of her snack stuff but not real food. She loves Cheerio’s and Gerber Graduates Lil’ Crunchers cheese curls. I think she would live on the Cheese Curls if I let her. I do get her to eat a lot of what we are eating when we are out. She eats dinner rolls, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, French fries, and refried beans. Oh and don’t forget the chips (no salsa) when we are at Mexican restaurants.

Her fine motor skills are also developing really well also. She mimics everything I do. I showed her how to put things in and out and she does it right after me. When we are out and about, if she hears anyone saying “bye, bye” she turns to them and waves good bye! They may not even be talking to her. She has also learned to give kisses; well that is what we are calling it. Of course it is open mouth!! But cute none the less, she laughs when she does it, just too cute. Also if Eddie and I are talking or watching something on TV that is funny and we start laughing, she starts laughing with us…!! She is working on transitioning to a sippy cup. We are at about a 60/40 split. She does good during the day except at nap time and at bed time. The bottle still wins out. I figure all in time she will throw the bottle away. She is walking on her own! Well not a full throttle walk but she is now pulling her self up on things in the house and letting go and walking to me or Eddie if we are not near her. It is so cute, she is getting so brave and it will not be long before she is running around this house. I am not pushing her, this new mobility thing is hard to deal with, and I just can’t keep track of her anymore. She is not sleeping through the night though. She is up sometimes 5 times a night. I have just about lost my mind, I am so sleep deprived. I have no idea why she will not sleep through the night. I don’t get up with her every time, I try to let her cry it out, but there is only so much a body can take before I give in. Also if daddy has to get up early to fly out in the morning, I can’t let her cry like that and keep him up. It is a hard battle to fight.

I finally got a night out!!! Eddie kept Elyssa last night and Lisa and I went out to dinner and shopping last night. I was the first time in the last year that I got to go out with one of my friends with out the baby. It was great to finally get an evening where I got to actually eat a full meal uninterrupted and got to focus on a conversation! I was pretty thankful for Eddie watching her. It was a needed night out on my own.

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