Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sept 27, 2007

First I’d like to thank everyone for all of the messages and comments about Elyssa’s DOC band casting. I have to admit it was quite a traumatic experience but the whole process probably was less than 30 minutes. Of course it was 30 minutes of hell, but none the less it is now over. She will NOT have to go through this again thank goodness, I am not sure mom could hold up for that! She gets her band on Oct 9th. After the casting appointment we went with Aunt T to Hobby Lobby and bought all kinds of cute princess stickers for her new helmet. We are going to paint it pink and decorate it with Disney princess stuff. I want to put “Princess Elyssa” across the front of it; she is my little princess you know. I tell her she is going to be sooo lucky because she is a princess who is going to get to wear her crown all the time. According to Cranial Technologies the first few days she is in a “work up” period of wearing it, but after the first few days she will be wearing it 23 hours a day. I get to take it off for an hour a day while I bath her and such. I really and trying to “psyche” myself up for all of this. I know lots of people go through this and she will be fine and after a few months this will be over but it is still hard. She will be in it for less than 3 months I’m pretty sure, maybe even sooner than that but any time at all will be a long time for us. I would hope she would be out of it for Christmas but…..we will see.
Right now she is sleeping in her bounce seat. The funny thing about the bounce seat we have …it has a bear mobile attached to it. Well usually the bear mobile fascinates her and she watches it and drifts off to sleep. Well yesterday I put her in it for her nap and I went to the kitchen to wash bottles and such. She did not go to sleep, I heard her in the living room giggling, laughing and squealing in delight so I went in to check on her and see what all the fun was. Well she had “pulled” all of the bears off of the mobile and was watching the empty mobile part go around and laughing. There was one bear on her and two on the floor beside her. I think she was proud of her self, all I could do is laugh it was cute and a first for her. She is reaching for everything and grabbing everything now, nothing is safe from her grasp..lol. She is getting so big and changing so much I just cannot believe it.
Daddy was in Colorado Springs, CO this week on business and will be home on Friday. He really feels bad that he was not able to be there for her casting, he knows how hard it would be on her and on me. But hey, mommy’s can do anything right? Well today we go to another Rainbow Babes class. She actually graduated last week into the 6 month class. So this week we get to meet some new kids. I told her since we are now in the bigger kid’s class she has to put on her “big girl britches” for this class! I’m sure she will be fine.

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