Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June 25, 2008

Well Elyssa had her 15 month Dr’s appointment today. Yes, I said 15 months…can you believe my baby is 15 months old now? I just don’t know where the time is going or when I lost my baby! She is just getting so big; I can’t believe how much she is changing. She has started feeding herself with a fork and spoon already and can build towers out of blocks and then knock them over all by herself! I can still remember when she could not even roll over on her own and now she is feeding herself. She added a new food to her diet, it is mini beef ravioli. This is a big milestone for her, since she hates to eat and was only eating mac/cheese and green beans for the longest time. She is just so darn picky, which is why we are seeing a nutritionist on July 2nd. We just want to make sure we get enough healthy food in her. I also started giving her V8 fusion which is a full serving of fruits in vegetables in 8 oz. She gets 4 oz with 4oz of water to dilute it, twice a day. The dr said that it is great that she will drink it. We had taken all juice off of her since she was not eating so I think she was just glad to be getting juice again and did not care what it tasted like! Actually I’ve drank some of it and it really does not taste bad, if it did not have so much sugar in it I would drink it all the time! We don’t mind her having the sugar, she needs the carbs.. she is soooo skinny…lol. At the dr’s today we found out she is only 20lbs 11oz, but she is 30 ¼ inches long and her head is 17 ¾ inches. For her weight she is in the 10th percentile, for her height she is in the 55% percentile and her head is in the 25% percentile. The dr is really happy with how she is progressing and took her off the preemie charts and gave me all the percents in the “big kids” charts. She said she is doing great keeping up with the “big kids”!

This week at Mothers Day out, Elyssa did not even want to take the time to say good bye to me. I took her in; sat with her a few minutes and told her mommy had to go bye-bye’s. I tried to hug her and kiss her and she just pulled away and gave me a “snooty face” and a half wave! I swear, would it kill this kid to shed a tear or something when I left?? I tell you it really breaks a mom’s heart when their little girl just does not need them anymore..lol. When I got back she looked at me and waved, and continued to chase a little boy around the room…yup, 15 months old and already chasing the boys…I’m going to have my hands full!

Well it is late and I must get princess to bed, not to mention mommy as well…

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