Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sept 28, 2008

Yeah, not a pleasant topic but one I had to deal with this week with little princess. I being the “bad mom” that I am let her prescription for Prevacid run out. So I took it to the pharmacy to get it filled and it needed dr’s authorization to get it filled. Of course this was not an easy process, as most things never are; she ended up going for 2 days without it. I have always been skeptical about whether or not it actually worked for her gastric reflux, but after 2 days without it I have NO reservations about the cost of the $45 copay every month! I was putting her to bed on Wednesday night, same routine as always, she takes a milk Sippy cup and usually falls asleep in my arms, and I put her in her crib right? Well, this blessed evening, I put her down in her bed, got as far as the bedroom door and heard her choking, ran back to the crib to find her sitting up, projectile puking all over the place! She finally stopped and I picked her puke covered self up and took her to the bathroom stood her beside the tub only to have her puke all over the tub and the floor. YUP, fun night for me. Eddie was out of town, of course, and I had to manage to clean it all up and her all by my self. Needless to say, it was no fun. But what I did realize is that she does need the Prevacid, and cannot for any reason go with out it. Soooooo, mom will never, ever let that one run out again…lol.

The next day she had her 18 month check-up appointment. I of course begged for the prescription and got it and found out that she is at 22lbs and holding. Yeah, 18 months old and only 22 lbs. As we all know that is a whole other story, her “eating” therapy is progressing but she seems to be at a stand still. Last Thursday she went on an eating strike and I cannot seem to get her to eat anything right now. This too, I hope will pass. She has an appt with her GI doctor on Tuesday. I guess we will see if there is anything else that may be causing her to not want to eat. I of course wish I had her problem for about a month…lol, could stand to loose a few pounds..lol.

We are preparing for the big Halloween season and of course Fall is upon us.. Last weekend was Oktoberfest in Addison. We had a great time. We went with Aunt Lisa, Aunt Tonia and Aunt Red and of course Daddy was in town as well. They had `the Dashound races so Elyssa loved seeing all the little dogs. I am not sure what she is going to be for Halloween, I have a few ideas but cannot decide on one. What’s a mom to do? What ever it is she is going to be just so darn adorable! Oh, and of course this is also football season. Go Cowboys and Go Steelers!! How about a Cowboys/ Steelers Super bowl this year?? I like the sounds of it.

She is just changing so much, and talking up a storm! Not always sure what she is saying but I think she learns a new word every day. Her newest word is “keys” (she loves playing with keys) and “bub-bubs” (for bubbles-she cant say the whole word). She is very good at letting you know what she wants by pointing or babbling it to you. It wont be long before she is chattering up a storm! She definitely understands more than she can say. I can give her exact instruction and she follows them completely. Just too darn cute!! She can dance, jump, plays with Play doh and build towers with her blocks now, gosh I just cannot believe how much she is changing and becoming a little girl vs. a little baby. I have to cherish every moment, these days will not last forever you know…

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