Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dec 28, 2008

Yes, I said big girl bed! Elyssa, who has been sleeping in a crib beside my bed since she was born, has slept 2 nights now in her big girl bed in her own room. Yes, the nursery that has been used for nothing but getting her dressed and letting her play in was actually used as a “bedroom” the last 2 nights. On Christmas Eve Eddie and his dad covered her crib she never used into a toddler bed and I have to say it is quite adorable. I am going to have to get pictures of it and post them; she is just so darn cute sleeping in there all by herself. She can get in all by herself with the help of a step stole and get out the same way. Eddie put up a bedrail along the open side so she will not fall out at night and so far so good. Of course I think mom has more issues with this new sleeping arrangement than Elyssa does. Of course I still use that term “sleep” loosely since she is still up sometimes 3 times a night but she is doing it in her own room now. I on the other hand have further to walk to check on her when I wake up in the middle of the night and want to make sure she is still ok. Yes, you read that right, go ahead read it again, yes, I still check on her to make sure she is ok. I have a horrible time sleeping these days and I think it is because she has me up all night long still. When she gives me 3-4 hours straight I can’t sleep now. But anyway she is “non” sleeping in her own room just fine. No problem with the transition, in fact I think she likes her big girl bed more than her crib beside my bed. When Eddie starts traveling again (after the holidays) I am not sure I will leave her in her room. It is just too scary to me being home alone with her and having her in her own room. Some people thought she would sleep better in her own room…”Ha, Ha” I say to those folks. My baby still does not sleep through the night and sleeps no better than she did in my room. O’well I guess it was worth a shot but no success yet. I don’t think it will get any better till she starts eating and is not hungry in the middle of the night, but that is a whole other story.
Christmas was a HUGE success! Elyssa had a wonderful Christmas and her Aunt Tonia and JT came over to watch her open her presents. It was so much fun this year, she loved opening the gifts and hearing her say “wow-wow”! She got so many new and wonderful things for Christmas, just too many to tell. She got new babies, a musical tea set, new Wonder Pets toys, books, a new Dora couch, a new shopping cart and a bunch of Mr. Potato heads just to name a few things. I think we will have to just move out of the house and let the toys take over; it just may be easier that way. We all had lunch at Eddie’s sister’s house and that evening Aunt Tonia made us all a Christmas dinner. We really did have a great day and of course we have tons of pictures and videos! I just need to get on the ball and get them all posted.
I of course have caught a cold for the New Year. I woke up today with a sore throat and no voice and feeing like a Mac Truck hit me. My luck I must say. We were suppose to take a trip to Balmorhea, TX to visit with Daddy Jay this week , but with me sick I am sure we are not going. I can bet that Elyssa will be coming down with this soon…happy, happy, joy, joy!

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