Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Oct 11, 2007

Ok, Elyssa got her DOC Band and it sure does look cute on her, and I appreciate everyone’s comments and support, but boy is this harder than I ever, ever imagined! The first day went horrible. We decorated it first then she started wearing it in her 3-4 hour intervals. Well she cried and threw a fit almost the whole time. I did my checks and her poor little head was so red and sore above her ears. They told me it was normal and that it should go away within an hour. Unfortunately it did not; it was taking over an hour at a time. I kept putting it back in and poor Elyssa would shake her head and thrash as I was placing it and strapping it on. It broke my heart when before I put her to bed the first night she was crying so hard and thrashing around so bad she could not breathe! I literally started crying with her. I was at wits end!! She took her bottle calmed down a bit and eventually drifted off to sleep. I laid her down and she slept till about 4am and was up screaming and rolling around in her pack in play. I got up and gave her a bottle, did not check the helmet, was told she was supposed to sleep through the night in it, (easy for them to say). Anyway gave her the bottle and she did fall back to sleep and I laid her back down. She slept through to the morning and when she woke up I took off her helmet and the area above her ears was sooo red and irritated I felt so bad. I kept it off of her for a couple hours till it faded and put it back on. The second day she was not quite as upset about it, but still very, very fussy and needy. She still cried terribly when I put it on her head and I felt like I was at a complete loss. One thing I did notice the second day was that when I took it off every 4 hours to check it, I had to leave it off longer and longer for the redness to fade. I decided by the evening that I would call Cranial Tech in the morning and tell them there was something wrong. The paperwork and the therapist said that by the 3rd day she should be adjusted and the redness should have subsided, that is NOT the case. She woke up last night at 3:30 crying and crying, I took off the helmet and her poor ear area was so red, I did not put it back on her till she woke up at 7:30 and the redness was gone. I called Cranial Tech and she is going in at 1pm today to have it adjusted some to see if we can eliminate the redness. The part that is upsetting me is that it is almost like the people at Cranial Tech don’t believe me and are making me feel like I am over reacting. Listen, any mom who has to deal with a screaming baby, that you know is uncomfortable, would react the way I am!! I will NOT let my baby suffer, not to mention this is still costing us $1500 after the insurance payment!! I can and I will be a BI#TCH if I have to…lol I just wish Eddie was home to have to help with all of this, I have to admit it is a bit difficult to deal with on my own. He is suppose to be flying in tonight from San Antonio, I can honestly say I can’t wait till he gets here, of course I think he is gone all next week as well in AR, my luck!
On a happier note, we got our Halloween Costumes in the mail yesterday!!! They are adorable. I got them from the Disney Store and I am going to be “Winnie the POOH” and Elyssa is going to be “Winnie the POOH’s Honey Pot”. The costumes are just wonderful, I put Elyssa in hers last night and she is just too cute! My costume is pretty neat also, it is a one piece jumpsuit type Winnie the POOH costume and yes I did try it on as well, it is not very flattering but hey it is a kids character right?
Eddie and I did get to go out last weekend to Southern Junction for dinner and to dance and it was wonderful. It was almost like we were dating again, although when we got there someone was having a b-day party and they had tons of kids there even a little girl about 6 months old that reminded me of little Elyssa!! Made me miss her so much, silly I know. Southern Junction, up till about 10pm is a “family club” where kids are welcome for dinner and such but after 10 anyone under 18 has to leave because it turns more into a bar. So we have decided that next time we are taking Elyssa and Aunt Tonia with us. We can have dinner and daddy can dance with Elyssa on the dance floor. It will be sooo cute. But anyway, Eddie is a great dancer (he taught me and that was tough..lol) so we got to 2-step/ 3 step and whatever that stuff is called you do to country music..lol. We really did have a great time and I think he enjoyed his birthday evening out!

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