Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nov 19, 2008

Well times are a changing I tell you! Little princess is growing up and at the same time “growing” into her own little personality as well. She has mastered the word “NO” and uses it at her own will at the least appropriate time. Oh and let us not forget that she learned the word “Mine”. I have tried “not” to teach her that word because well, I knew once she learned it; EVERYTHING would be “MINE”. What is hers is “mine” and what is mine is hers. Yeah, funny how that works isn’t it?
Last night was an interesting evening, a first if I may add. My friend Lisa and I have a weekly date where we go out to eat and visit and catch up on each other lives. Up until last night we would meet at a sit down restaurant and have dinner and either goes back to one of each other houses or shop afterwards. We have been doing this for what seems like forever, I think it keeps the both of us sane! Well last week when we got together, Elyssa, my little Princess, was what can only described as a demon child. At the restaurant she threw a fit, would not play with her toys, would not color, there was nothing I could do to satisfy her. I was so upset that I could not concentrate on my own meal or what the table conversation was! Well I made an announcement at the end of our meal that I was not taking Elyssa out to another restaurant (with out Eddie) again. I had had enough and it just was not fun anymore. Well Lisa tried to assure me that Elyssa was not bothering her and this was just a Phase she was going through and next time could be just sooo different. All things that maybe true, but I decided that it just was not going to happen again. Well my wonderful friend Lisa, stressed that we may not get to go out again, decided this week we would go to eat at McDonalds, BK , or Chick-fil-a where they had a play place. That way Elyssa could run around and play while we sat down, ate and talked!! I have to say it was genuinely a wonderful and sweet offer and guess what???? It worked!!! We had dinner at McDonalds (no not my favorite but desperate times call for desperate actions) and Elyssa ran all over and I did not have to worry about her for a second. We actually had a great time and joined in on some of her play. We got some really great pictures of Aunt Lisa and Elyssa in the tubes as well as Mommy and Elyssa playing. Afterwards we ran to Target and I think we pushed our luck. She was actually tired and the trip was not much fun, but at least we got to sit, talk, and actually eat a decent meal…well ok, a fast food meal…lol.
Children change our lives is so many ways, and as a new mom I am learning that she is not going adjust to me, I have to learn to adjust to her. We are both learning each other every single day and it one challenge I am actually enjoying every minute of!

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