Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dec 31, 2008

Wow, another year almost gone. When I sit here and reflect on the past year, I am amazed at everything that has happened. Elyssa celebrated her first birthday, learned to walk, is talking up a storm and now sleeping in her own big girl bed. So many accomplishments for such a little girl I can only imagine what the New Year will bring for her. I know that potty training is top on mommy’s list. She is doing really well at it when I keep one her. She actually started using the potty regularly on August 17th but I did not pressure her at all. She is still a bit young and not even 2 yet. She will go if I put her on the potty and EVERY morning she has to go potty and “pee-pee and poopy” in the potty. If you don’t let her go she throws a holy fit. I am just not in any hurry to strap myself to the potty training ritual. I really do think it is more about training mommy and daddy than it is about training Elyssa. I have to say diapers are just so much easier..Yeah, messier but much easier…I know, I know excuses, excuses. I know she has to be potty trained before she is 2. Her urologist told me he wanted her potty trained by the time she was 2 because it would help with her Stage 2 renal reflux. She has to go through all of that testing again in March. I have to say I am not looking forward to that again this year. That was simply just a horrible experience for her and for me as well.
Tonight we are not doing much at all. Since I am still pretty miserable with my cold, we are just having some friends over for a low key evening. I am of course making sauerkraut, hot dogs and sausage since that is a tradition but nothing to exciting. I even warned the guests that I just may not make it till midnight, just depends on how I feel. I hate being sick.. really, really hate it. Today we went and made a huge donation at Good Will. Like many others, trying to take advantage of another tax deduction this year. I hate tax season, Eddie spends hours working on the taxes trying to make it so that we don’t owe anything. I remember a time in my life when I actually got tax refunds, but it really is true, the more you make the more they take!! Boy do they take, and take and take and now that we are stuck with a democratic president for the next 4 years I’m sure they will be taking even more…!!
Well hope everyone has a Happy New Year and most importantly be safe!

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