Monday, June 15, 2009

Aug 27, 2007

Ok, so what does being a mom and a root canal have in common?? No you are not loosing your mind and this is not a trick question, there probably isn’t any connection except that I had to have a root canal last Thursday and well yup, I’m a mom. I had to have a root canal done by an Endodontist (a root canal specialist) because my tooth channels are extremely narrow and my roots are curved. How lucky am I right? Eddie was actually home on Thursday; he flew back in Wednesday evening and was flying out Friday morning so he was home to watch Twinkle Toes while I went to the Dr’s. So I made my way to the office and of course there was typical paperwork you have to fill out when you visit a new Dr right? Well I came to the part that asked “Occupation”, I started to just put “N/A” since right now I do not have a job but I stopped my pen just before I wrote the “N” and instead I wrote “MOM”. Let’s face it; it is a job and not an easy one at that by any stretch of the imagination. The next question was “Employer” to which I figured the only logical answer was “Elyssa’s MOM” and that is what I put. The next question was length of employment, now that was an easy one, Elyssa turned 5 months old on the 20th so I put 5 months. Now I know too many of you this sounds simply silly, I know, but when you think about it, and think about it for the 2 and half hours I was in the dentist chair I did! Yes, I was in the chair hooked up to Nitrous Oxide and a wonderful numbing agent for 2 and half hours. So I did a lot of thinking and I’m sure the happy gas had a lot to do to help me in the thought process! I realized that I do have a job and not only do I have a job, I have a job that does not have a starting time or a quitting time. There are no vacation days, personal days, sick days or holidays! I work 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I know many would say that again I am being ridiculous but in reality being a stay at home Mom is a very hard and difficult job. I don’t get to drop my little one off at day care even when I have a day off from “a real job” because the day is paid for anyway so I can do what I want during the day. Elyssa is with me all the time, everywhere I go and since Eddie travels all the time it makes it all that more difficult. So I think I am justified in saying she is my job. Now for this job, what do I get paid, what is my reimbursement, well those things are just priceless and there is no dollar amount anyone could offer me that would drag me away from her smiling face, her cute little finger and cute little toes. Her beautiful smile and twinkling eyes when she sees me. I guess there are just some jobs that you cannot put a dollar amount on and the benefits are just endless…the endless giggles and laughs and watching all of her firsts. The surprise in her eyes when she realizes that she can pick something up or sees a new toy I have bought her…benefits?? Now these are benefits that no job can offer me… I have to say that I really do truly enjoy being a MOM , but I really don’t think that woman who sacrifice their careers too be full time moms get enough credit for the “hard job” that they really do have.

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