Tuesday, June 16, 2009

July 26, 2008

Yes, I said 4th of July and finding the bunny rabbit. I know kind of a twist of ideas now isn’t it? Well I did not write a blog about July 4th so I thought I would update everyone on what a wonderful 4th Elyssa had. Her Nana and Pop (Eddie’s parents) came in from Lufkin, TX to visit. We ended up having a picnic at our house and Aunt T, Uncle David and the kids all came over with Nana and Pop. Eddie did hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill and all the typical picnic foods and we all hung out around the pool. It really did surprise us that Nana and Pop actually got in the pool and so did Uncle David. That has never, ever happened. Elyssa loves the water and probably spent over an hour in the pool floating around with everyone. She actually fought me when we got her out but I needed to try to get her to eat something. That evening we all piled into Aunt T’s mini van and went out to Firewheel to watch the fireworks. Well we got as far as the Kroger/ CVS parking lot and the traffic was horrible, so we pulled into the field and waited. Of course they went off late and we had to wait, but it was a great display none the less. The evening before we had taken Elyssa to see the fireworks in Wylie and we were right underneath them. They scared the pants off of little Elyssa, she was holding onto me and daddy for dear life, the noise was almost too much for her. On the 4th of July we were so far from them that it did not seem to bother her, in fact she let Aunt T hold her the entire time.

Now, the bunny rabbit….. well, Elyssa has a stuffed bunny that her Aunt T had got for her when she was born. It was on top of her diaper cake she made her. It appears that Elyssa has taken a real liking to this “bunny rabbit” and sucks on the ears to go to sleep at night. In fact I am able to get her back to sleep when she wakes up in the middle of the night by just offering her a bunny ear to suck on. Pretty cool huh? Well, this bunny is getting pretty worn down, you think about it. It has been almost 10 months she has been sucking on this thing so it is a bit ragged. Well I went in search of a replacement for this bunny. Let me just tell you it was not an easy endeavor. I looked at all the local retail stores and online and to no avail. I was really getting worried, what would I do if anything happened to bunny? Well I did eventually find one on eBay. Of course eBay right? You can find anything on eBay…well this silly maybe $5 bunny was going on eBay for $35 !!!! Apparently it is a discontinued bunny now… of course this is my luck right? So after a couple days of thinking about it I decided to go ahead and buy the stupid $35 bunny. I figured if I ever wanted a full night’s sleep I needed a back up bunny just in case. Well after I purchased the bunny, I was at Target and they had the “replacement year” bunny. It was not the same; it was the same texture but was missing the rattle sound. I took it home to Elyssa.. it was only $6 so I figured if this worked I would buy a couple of them and keep them on hand. Well I got home gave it to her; she took one suck of the ear and threw it at me. Yup, the ear had “embroidery” on it and the other one does not. Picky, picky kid huh? So, we have been working with her trying to convince her it is ok to use the “stand in” bunny to suck on and it is slowly working. I just hope it does… I have no idea where we will find the old bunny again if we needed to and well mommy and daddy will go broke at $35 a bunny…lol….

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