Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 2, 2009

I’m not so proud… …of my daughters new favorite word! I guess it was just time before it happened so I should not be very surprised but geez, I thought it would have been my husbands mess up and not mine! I really, really do my best to be careful, and thought I had done an incredible job of cleaning up my language, at least around Elyssa. But one day not to long ago, I was in the kitchen and I dropped something all over the floor. I was having a rough day anyway and when it happened I said that magical word “Sh*t”. The moment it slipped from my lips I looked up and Elyssa was standing right there look at me and the mess! She very calmly exclaimed to me “Mess mum, mum, sh*t”. Well apparently for a 2 year old, you only have to screw up once and you pay for it the rest of your life, because since that one not so innocent day, my little girl has started using her new favorite word. The ironic part is that from the ONE incident she has learned the correct grammatical emphasis to use it in as well. Now every time she is carrying her blocks and they fall, or when she is dealing out cards and they all fall on the floor or is she is drinking from her big girl cup and she accidently spill, or drops something she proudly proclaims “Sh*t mum, mum mess!” She is also very good at pointing out when either mommy or daddy make a mess as well and will use her new favorite words at the right time for US! Now although I accept complete responsibility for this mishap, just how long will she keep this up??? I do not acknowledge when she says it as something bad, because if I make a big deal out of it she repeats it over and over and over again. So I figure if I don’t give her an audience maybe the word will disappear, but so far, no luck. Eddie on the other hand thinks it is funny and nearly laughed his head off when she repeated not only “sh*t” one day, but also “bull sh*t” for him. Again, I am not innocent, I can roll out a whole slew of colorful metaphors when angered but I have tried very successfully NOT to do it in front of my daughter, and now because of one, yes, I said one incident where I let my guard down, she is now using a swear word.

Now, in a positive note, I am very proud of some of her new words! She used to call her drinks a “Geeze’. I have no idea where she got the word or how she came up with it but when ever she wanted a drink she would say “Geeezzzeee” and we knew what she waned. We would ask if she wanted Juice / Milk and she would say “yeah’ when we picked the right one. Each time giving her the sippy cup and repeating what it was, milk/ juice. Well suddenly out of the blue, on evening while I was sitting in my chair watching TV, she came to me and said “mommy, Mulk”. I looked at her a bit confused and asked her what she said and she repeated “Mommy, mulk, mommy drink mulk”. I was so proud of her!! I of course got up and got her the “mulk” (not quite milk, but we will take mulk). She then proceeded to call Juice, by the name Juice, water by the name “wat-ee” and said drink when she wanted a drink! It was literally overnight and her whole vocabulary changed. Now, as sad as this sounds, I almost miss the word “Geeze” for her drinks. It was always so cute when she would stand adamantly in front of you repeating “Geeze, mommy, geeze”. She is changing so fast and picking up new things everyday. I think her vocabulary doubles every day and if she does not know a word for something it does not stop her, she just makes up a word for it and leave it up to me and daddy to figure it out!

It really is true that kids grow up to fast…right now, I’m looking for the rewind button!

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