Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Aug 2, 2008

Boy did Elyssa have a wonderful day on Thursday! We took her to the Dallas World Aquarium and she loved it. Her day started with breakfast at McDonalds, where she got to play in the “play area” while mom and dad ate. Anyone who knows Elyssa knows she does not eat so we put her in a highchair and tried to get her to eat some breakfast and she of course threw a fit, threw her food on the floor and just made a mess, so since it was her day we gave in and let her play. Daddy even got in the tubes with her and went down the slide a few times. She was just so darn cute! She had a blast playing but we packed her up and put her in her car seat and headed downtown to the aquarium. It was a bit of a drive so she got a nap along the way which was good for us. Anyway when we got there we put her in her stroller to walk in but as soon as we got off the elevator and at the top of the “rain forest area” we let her out and put on her “leash” so she could wander around free (or so she thought she was..lol). Well as soon as we walked in the area she started getting so excited was pointing at everything and saying “Wow, Wow, Wow”! I have to say it was the sweetest thing to see her eyes light up with every new exhibit that she saw. It is a pretty large facility with 3 different levels and even an outside penguin area. I know she really liked the penguins she would not stop babbling while she was looking at them. They are African penguins so they can withstand extreme heat. We had no idea there was such a thing, who would have thought “African Penguins” that could withstand the heat in TX?? She also loved the Stingray exhibit; I have a video of her watching the Sting Rays and the turtles. There was a tiger on display as well and she just got so excited when she saw it. By the time we got to the end of the Aquarium facility, she was soo tired and getting a bit cranky but all in all she did great and I think she had a wonderful time. We got her in the car and she was asleep before we left the parking lot, it was so funny, she was trying to keep her eyes open but she finally gave in and slept the whole way home. That evening we all got in the swimming pool together. It was actually pretty late when we decided to, in fact it was probably around 8pm. We should have been getting Elyssa ready for bed but decided instead to take her swimming. It is so rarely that we get to spend the whole day as a family having fun that we did not want it to end and I don’t think Elyssa minded at all. She got to spend the day with her Daddy and we all know how much she LOVES her Daddy…

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