Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nov 5, 2008

Ok, so last night I had my first panic attack over something Elyssa did. I was getting her ready for her bath and had her in her room. We have a baby gate across her door so she cannot get out and fall down the stairs so she was safe. I was in the bathroom running her water and I heard her door close. No big deal, she closes her door all the time. It is her own little game. Well little did I know, but she learned how to turn the lock on her door and locked the door. When I tried to get in and realized it was locked I did not immediately panic because I knew there was a key above our bedroom door or the closet door. So I ran and got a chair to stand on and looked for the key. The problem was THE KEY WAS NOT THERE!! Yeah, that was when I started to panic. I know, I know you are asking why does her door have a lock on it anyway right? Well Eddie and I put locks on all the doors upstairs a long time ago, way before baby and to honest up till this happened I had never, ever thought about it. So as my heart beat started racing and realizing I had no idea how I was going to get in the door. I did what any good mom would do…I called Aunt Tonia. Yeah, well she was in a movie and said she would be right over…in the interim I called our neighbor Carole who said “oh no problem, I’ll be right over”. Thank God, she ran over in a less than 30 seconds and was at the top of the stairs, gift card in hand. Yes, I said gift card…lol, she used it to jimmy the door jam. Yup, pretty smart woman! Elyssa was in her room standing at her bed playing her stuffed animals and clean diapers! She had no idea she had put herself in a pickle of a situation at all. I on the other hand just wanted to cry, I never in my life felt so helpless. Later that evening when I was on the phone talking to Eddie he said “why didn’t you just use a clothes hanger to open it?” To be honest, I have no idea why I did not think of that solution except for the fact that I was just panicked and could not think straight. All I could think about was that I was unable to get to my baby..lol. Good thing to know that I do not react well in a high pressure situation regarding my daughter all I could do was, yes, panic! So that made me realize yet again, Elyssa will not be sleeping in her own room for a long time. I have such a fear of the house catching on fire and NOT being able to get to her. I know ridiculous but it is my “issue” so let me deal with it…lol! I mean come on... our bedroom is the size of a small apartment anyway; it is not like she is taking up all our space. In fact when I met Eddie I remember telling him that his master bathroom and closet was the size of my apartment…I could have just lived in there...lol! So, like I said my baby is staying my room for just a bit longer.
Today Elyssa went to mother’s day out. They were doing school pictures today. I was so excited about it. Come on, she is 19 months old and already getting school pictures done. I do hope they turned out good. The ladies in charge of her class said she did well and the lady in charge of the program said she had to put on a show for Elyssa in order to get her to smile! We will see how they turned out. I had an appointment with my Endocrinologist today. I started on the Insulin Pump about 3 weeks ago and they were checking on how things were going. I have to say I was o against the insulin pump for so long but now I am soooo glad I decided to start. It is just so practical and of course I got the coolest, neatest most advanced one I could get. It is the One Touch Ping and is just awesome. No more injections 4 times a day I just change my infusion site every 3 days and that is all. It is just amazing. I totally recommend it to any Type I Diabetics out there.
Well Elyssa is getting fussy; better go take care of my little princess…

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