Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Jan 22, 2009

Elyssa certainly had a busy couple weeks. We have been dealing with some more medical issues with her. For the last several weeks she has been waking up in the middle of the night “puking”. Yes, I know not a pretty subject and allow me to say not so nice to clean up at 2 or 3 am either! I finally took her into the Pediatrician and she had no idea what was causing it. Elyssa was not sick in any other way, no fever, no congestion, just throwing up almost every night all over herself, me and her bed. Our pediatrician called her GI dr who advised us to give her the Prevacid 2 times a day instead of once. We were to do it in the AM before her breakfast and in the PM before her last meal. We started that and it worked great. The GI dr also wanted to see her and check her out as well. So last week I took her into the GI dr. She told us that the Prevacid will not be approved by our insurance for twice a day so she wanted us to start Zantac in the evenings instead of the Prevacid. Well 2 days into the Zantac and she was puking all over the place again every night!! I have to say, I am so sick of cleaning puke off myself, her, her crib and the floor!! So I called the GI dr again and she told me we are going to have to go back to the Prevacid twice a day and they are going to have to fight with our insurance to try to get it approved for twice a day. Now, I have already decided if the insurance company refuses to pay for it, we will be paying for it out of pocket. I will not have my daughter puking every night because her reflux is so bad. It is just amazing that an insurance company would give you trouble over something that is needed to keep you well?? O’well, I remember all the problems we had when she had her Doc Band, this is just one more fight we will have to fight. Time to get my boxing gloves out again.
This week Elyssa had one of her little friends over to visit. I posted a picture of the 2 of them having a tea party. She and Olivia got along pretty good. We did have some problems with Elyssa and her new favorite word “mine”; it is a slow process teaching her to share. We have decided that we need to get the girls together more often. Elyssa has not really been around someone her own age and Olivia is a month younger than Elyssa. It was really sweet watching them, of course I did see a bit of jealousy in Elyssa as well. Olivia’s mom has a new 7 week old baby and I was holding her. Elyssa came up to me whining “mom, mom baby back” and she would motion for me to put the baby back in her carrier!! She was really getting upset. I can say, holding that little baby really made me want another little one. I miss that baby phase so much.
Today was a beautiful day outside and after we left her therapy session this morning I decided we were going to a park that afternoon. We went home and Elyssa took a nap and then we went out to Pirate Cove Park. I debated taking my camera with me, but I decided instead of taking a bunch of pictures I wanted to spend the time playing, running, jumping and swinging with my baby (or should I say toddler..naah, I like baby better). We had such a nice time. I think we were there for almost an hour before she started asking for a drink and I did not have it with me. It was in the car since I wanted to play with her on all the climbing stuff, I left all of our bags in the car. So she took my hand and we walked together back to the car. I had such a nice afternoon playing with her.
Have I told you about the sweetest sound? Well these days that is Elyssa when she is watching either Wonder Pets, Little Bear or Oswald and she starts to “giggle and laugh” at all the funny parts in the cartoon. Yes, she completely understands what is going on in the cartoon and laughs at all of the funny parts. I will be in the kitchen washing sippy cups or something and hear this little giggle erupt from the living room floor. It really is the sweetest little sound these days. She is getting so smart and learning so fast and she is in her “big girl helper stage”. She helps me put the stuff from our grocery cart on the belt at the checkout counter. She helps me carry in bags from the car (and will even tell me “heavy mom mom”). She helps me put the stuff away from the bags we brought in from the car. She even helps me unload the dishwasher and the dryer when I’m doing laundry. Now, I can say, there are times I really don’t want her help, but there is just no way to tell her you don’t want her help, she is very persistent!
Well I think that is a pretty good update on what has been going on in our household in the last couple weeks. Oh and if you happen to be living under a rock these days and have not heard yet “PITTSBURGH’S GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL”!!!!! Here we go….

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