Monday, June 15, 2009

June 24, 2007

Wow, what a week and now the weekend is over !! I have to say that time is sure flying by and I suddenly dont feel in control anymore...
Anyway this weekend we got a new exersaucer for our little girl. She loves to stand, I know she is only 3 months old but when you are holding her she wants to be standing on your legs. She is getting really, really good at holding her head up also, but not rolling over yet…time, in time, I’m sure! Anyway I was on the site and found someone selling an exersaucer for $12!!! So I had to jump on it (no pun intended). It was in great shape and our little princes just LOVED it when we put her in it. I have a small boppy that I put in front of her so she will not bump her head on the front of it and a blanket behind her to hold her up, she get so excited and kicks her feet and moves her hands around. It is the cutest thing.
This past week has been very busy…of course Eddie was out of town in OC California, but Elyssa kept ourselves busy. On Monday Elyssa and I went to Aunt Jamie’s house to visit her and Sawyer. Elyssa did great, last time we were at Aunt Jamie’s she cried the entire time. On Wednesday we had Aunt Tonia, Aunt Red, Aunt Jan, and Aunt Toni over for an impromptu “girl’s night”! I made some Cheese Broccoli soup and we all hung out watched some TV and hung out. On Thursday Elyssa and I went out to eat with Aunt Lisa at Texas Roadhouse and then we went back to Aunt Lisa’s house to visit for awhile. Then on Friday we went shopping at Kohl’s in the morning and to Wal-Mart in the early afternoon, and then Friday night we went to the airport to pick up Daddy!! His plane was delayed an hour so he did not get in till almost 11:45am…it was a late night for our little princess but we like to take Daddy to the airport and pick him us so we get to spend some time with him. This weekend seemed like a blur; Eddie had to work Saturday evening and spent most of the day Sunday working on the OC project so we did not get to do anything real exciting. It was nice just having him here. We took him to the airport this evening after having dinner at the Olive Garden; I’m telling you it has been an exciting week.
This week should prove to be just as exciting. Friends of mine from PA, Jenn and Lynette are coming by to visit on their way to CA. I am picking them up at the airport on Thursday afternoon and I think they are staying till Saturday morning. Then the week of July 4th we are going home to PA!!! So we have a lot of things going on… the incredible thing about the trip to PA is that is not costing us anything. Eddie flies so much anymore that we got the tickets for free from his frequent flyer miles! Ok so there are some perks to this job now ..Right?

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